
Tasty Thursday

What a great idea! Now instead of spending $5 or more for a single serving of dessert at a restaurant, you can make dessert for your whole family using 100 Desserts for $5 or Less by Angel Shannon. We hope you enjoy this week's recipe!

Banana Pie Cake

1 3/4 cups sugar
2 cups flour, sifted
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
4 egg whites
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup mashed ripe banana
1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 350ยบ.

Mix together the sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda; set aside.

In a separate bowl, blend together the applesauce, egg whites, and nuts; mix into dry ingredients. Add mashed banana and cocoa powder. Bake in a lightly greased Bundt pan for 45-50 minutes.

Serves 10

Calories per serving 297
Fat per serving 4g

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